Thursday, December 15, 2011

December 2011 Weather recap for first two weeks!

If I had to say in a word what the first two weeks of December 2011 were like I would have to say cloudy and dull. But, that’s would be saying a good thing main due to the fact that cloudy days in the wintertime often translate into warmer temperatures. Did that happen this year?  Why yes! We were almost four degrees warmer (West Plains data, not Springfield used for this comparison) than the 30 year average of 35F. This graph also compares 2010 to this year and yes it has been warmer. Hopefully this will translate in to lower electric bills by month end. One can only hope.

Precipitation thankfully has also been plentiful. With three inches in the book, we only need another inch to hit the target of about four inches to make this an average month in that department. Forsyth Missouri has been the beneficiary of a narrow band of periodic rainfall  that has been swept in on the cold fronts. I’m thinking that people living to the north of my location have not been as fortunate. The state of Texas is still caught in a drought situation that some say may worsen with time…

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