Monday, December 22, 2014

A warm December 2014!

SWMO. – It's a few days before Christmas at about 1:30 AM and the temperature outside is 45°F! A quirk of Mother Nature? Proof of global warming? I wasn't sure, but what I was pretty sure of was the fact that the warmer than normal temperatures were part of a curious pattern this December 2014.

I'd taken to calling the pattern 'the 40 Club'. Forty as in the average temperature. Take this date for instance. The high was 43.9°F while the low was 40°F giving an average for the day of 42°F. Typically, at this point in the month we would see day time high of around 46°F with lows close to 26°F. Not this year however as we are over 5 degrees above normal! All this much appreciated heat has resulted in a much small electrical heating bill and when combined with the record low prices for gasoline (currently $2 per gallon), have made a lot of people like me very happy.

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