After I read about U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's recent speech where he stated that 'climate change ranks among the world's most serious
problems -- such as disease outbreaks, poverty, terrorism and the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction', I was given pause. Perhaps the man is right! Perhaps our planet's climate has become so screwed up, it will begin to retaliate with monster storms, tornadoes of unheard of destructive power and hurricanes that will kill thousands every year! Wow! Talk about your basic end of the world kind of scenario!
The truth of the matter is that, yes, our climate is changing. It was changing 500 million years ago and it will be changing long after man has gone the way of the dodo bird. The real question is whether or not it's all mankind doing, and if so, what would be the cure?
I've stated, all along, that part of the problem this planet faces is a population problem. More concisely, it's an over population problem brought on by the mindless way in which we all duplicate ourselves with such wild abandon! (Seriously, don't ya think seven billion humans is enough for one measly ball of granite)? After all, we need to share this planet with other animals; fish, birds and all manner of microbes. Each of which has just as much right to a decent life as any human does. (Maybe they even have more of a right, as few to no other organisms (other than man), pollute and destroy the environment as well or as fast!
But, for the record, let's say that the climate is spiraling out of control for whatever reason. If that is true, we can expect thing's to get much more dicey in the near future. Just like an unbalanced top that wobbles more and more erratically, so too must the climate begin to go from one extreme form of weather to the next if the weather worriers are correct. In other words, there should be a clear and a persistent trend that any lay-bob person could look at and say, 'Hell yes, things are getting worst!"
So, let's all watch with analytical eyes as this spring, summer and fall unfold. If Kerry and his kind are correct, a good case will be then made to take corrective action - that being the culling of about half the world's population. After all, on a scale of this magnitude, that's about the only thing that would make any sense! And who knows, maybe we could work out a solution in the manner of that movie - Soylant Green! Bon appetite everyone!
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