Saturday, September 17, 2011

September 17 rain event!

September the 17th was a morning where I arose to the sound of gentle thunder. When I looked out, it was raining; a wonderful event to be sure. Prior to this rain, only 0.16 of an inch had fallen for the month. So, to get up and see it raining like this was very refreshing. As you might be able to see in the picture, the grass had been turning brown due to the lack of water.

POLLEN BE GONE: Another issue the last couple of weeks for many people was the exceptionally high levels of allergens like ragweed. I was suffering along with many of my friends and associates This rain will knock the levels back down to medium or even low and with any luck, they won’t get back up very high for the balance of the season.

(click on picture to animate)


The days are now also noticeably shorter to be sure. Since June the 21st, when the length of the day was about 14 hours, we are now down to 12 hours 21 minutes of daylight per day (by mid December this figure will get down to 10 hours). This loss of solar input is another reason why it tends to get cooler as the fall months go by.

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