Sunday, January 1, 2012

December 2011 weather summary

December 2011 was normal if you allow for it being on the warm side of average of that figure. Temperatures versus the historical average were four degrees Fahrenheit warmer (39F vs. 35F). The factor that made this so was the nighttime temperatures were somewhat more warm that in times past. However, all readings were in the ‘normal’ range.

Precipitation was also a bit above average; 4.64 inches versus 3.98 inches (source: West Plains, Mo. data). I was very thankful for this added moisture when, combined with the warmer temps, has allowed my cold frame plants to do well. This reading put the entire year at 54.46 inches versus an average of 46.27 inches. Notice in the graph that compare the average versus actual rainfall, that had we not gotten the heavy downpours in April and May, we’ve of found ourselves in a drought situation. Getting all that water, over such a short period of time, really bollixed up the works for a large chunk of real estate in the Central US.

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